Alwin Schockemöhle (born 29 May 1937) is a former Germanshow-jumper. He was a successful international show jumping equestrian in the 1960s and 1970s at individual and team events in Olympic Games and European Championships. He was one of four children, a girl[1] and three boys. His younger brother Paul was also a successful show-jumper. Werner Schockemöhle, his youngest brother, was a well-known horse breeder in Oldenburg.
Schockemöhle was involved in horses from an early age, and sold his grey mare Anaconda to the American equestrian Mary Mairs for DM100,000.[2] His success in horse-dealing allowed him to fund the debt-ridden family estate when he took it over, aged 20.[3]
Schockemöhle won his first Olympic gold medal in 1960 on the German show jumping team, followed in 1968 by a bronze medal. At the 1976 Summer Olympics, he won both gold in the individual and a silver medal with the German team which he was part of with his brother.[4] He has won both the European and German championships several times.
By his first wife, Gaby, who later married Hendrik Snoek, he had a daughter, Alexandra,[5] and two sons, Christoph, who lives in Singapore, and Frank, who is a manager in the German Bundesliga; and two daughters, Vanessa and Christina, by his second wife, Rita Schockemöhle. Rita also had three children by her previous husband, Gerhard Wiltfang. Alwin has been quoted as saying: "She has four children; I have five; altogether, there are seven".[6]
Eckhard F. Schröter: Das Glück dieser Erde. Leben and Karriere deutscher Springreiter.. Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt a. M. 1980, ISBN3-596-23019-5