Calculus of voting
Calculus of voting refers to any mathematical model which predicts voting behaviour by an electorate, including such features as participation rate. A calculus of voting represents a hypothesized decision-making process. These models are used in political science in an attempt to capture the relative importance of various factors influencing an elector to vote (or not vote) in a particular way. ExampleOne such model was proposed by Anthony Downs (1957) and is adapted by William H. Riker and Peter Ordeshook, in “A Theory of the Calculus of Voting” (Riker and Ordeshook 1968)
A political science model based on rational choice used to explain why citizens do or do not vote. The alternative equation is
Where for voting to occur the (P)robability the vote will matter "times" the (B)enefit of one candidate winning over another combined with the feeling of civic (D)uty, must be greater than the (C)ost of voting References
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