Recently, researchers have built on classical shadow to devise provably efficient classical machine learning algorithms for a wide range of quantum many-body problems.[4] For example, machine learning models could learn to solve ground states of quantum many-body systems and classify quantum phases of matter.
Algorithm Shadow generation
Inputs copies of an unknown -qubit state
A list of unitaries that is tomographically complete
A classical description of a quantum channel
For ranging from to :
Choose a random unitary from
Apply to to get a state
Perform a computational basis measurement on for an outcome
Classically compute and add it to a list
"←" denotes assignment. For instance, "largest ← item" means that the value of largest changes to the value of item.
"return" terminates the algorithm and outputs the following value.
Algorithm Median-of-means estimation
Inputs A list of observables
A classical shadow
A positive integer that specifies how many linear estimates of to calculate.
Return A list where
where and where .
"←" denotes assignment. For instance, "largest ← item" means that the value of largest changes to the value of item.
"return" terminates the algorithm and outputs the following value.