Dieter Gilberto Hillert (German:[ˈdi:tɐgɪlbɐtohɪlɐt]) is a German-American biolinguist and cognitive scientist.[1][2]"Dieter Hillert's Google scholar". His research focuses on the human language faculty as a cognitive and neurological system. He is known for work on the neurobiology of language, real-time sentence processing, and language evolution. He advocates comparative evolutionary studies of cognition, argues against tabula rasa models, and favors computational theories of mind.
Hillert, D. (2017). Die Natur der Sprache. Evolution, Paradigmen & Schaltkreise. Heidelberg: Springer. ISBN978-3-658-20112-8
Hillert, D. (2014). The Nature of Language. Evolution, Paradigms & Circuits. New York: Springer. ISBN978-1-4939-0608-6
Hillert, D. (Ed. 1998). Sentence Processing: A Cross-linguistic Perspective. Syntax and Semantics 31. San Diego: Academic Press. ISBN978-0126135312
Hillert, D. (Ed. 1994). Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience: Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Language Disorders. Linguistische Berichte 6. ISBN978-3531126005
Hillert, D. (1990). Sprachprozesse und Wissensstrukturen. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag. ISBN3-531-12217-7
Hillert, D. (1987). Zur mentalen Repräsentation von Wortbedeutungen. Tübinger Beiträge Linguistik 290. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. ISBN3-87808-348-3
Hillert, D. (2019). Neurobiology of Language. In K. Shackelford and V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Cham: Springer.
Hillert D.G. (2017). Nimm's nicht so wörtlich. In: S. Ayan (Ed.) Rätsel Mensch - Expeditionen im Grenzbereich von Philosophie und Hirnforschung. Heidelberg: Springer. ISBN978-3-662-50327-0
Hillert, D.G. (2012). Figuras retóricas: un reto para el cerebro. Edición española de Scientific American: Mente y Cerebro Nº 55, 38-42. ISSN 1695-0887
Hillert, D.G. & Buracas, G.T. (2009). The Neural Substrates of Spoken Idiom Comprehension. Language and Cognitive Processes 24 (9), 1370-1391.
Hillert, D.G. (2008). On Idioms: Cornerstones of a Neurological Model of Language Processing. Journal of Cognitive Science 9(2), 193-233.
Hillert, D. & Ackerman, F. (2002). Accessing and Parsing Phrasal Predicates. In N. Dehé, R. Jackendoff, A. McIntryre, and S. Urban (Eds.) Verb-Particle Explorations. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, p. 289-313.
Hillert, D. & Swinney, D. (2001). The Processing of Fixed Expressions during Sentence Comprehension. In A. Cienki, B.J. Luka, and M.B. Smith (Eds.) Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language. Stanford: CSLI, p. 107-121. ISBN1575862581
Hillert, D. (2001). On Processing Lexical Concepts in Aphasia and Alzheimer's disease. Some (Re)considerations. Brain and Language 69, 95-118.