In mathematics, logarithmic Sobolev inequalities are a class of inequalities involving the norm of a function f, its logarithm, and its gradient . These inequalities were discovered and named by Leonard Gross, who established them in dimension-independent form,[1][2] in the context of constructive quantum field theory. Similar results were discovered by other mathematicians before and many variations on such inequalities are known.
where is the -norm of , with being standard Gaussian measure on Unlike classical Sobolev inequalities, Gross's log-Sobolev inequality does not have any dimension-dependent constant, which makes it applicable in the infinite-dimensional limit.
Entropy functional
Define the entropy functionalThis is equal to the (unnormalized) KL divergence by .
A probability measure on is said to satisfy the log-Sobolev inequality with constant if for any smooth function f
Lemma((Tao 2012, Lemma 2.1.16)) — Let be random variables that are independent, complex-valued, and bounded. be a smooth convex function. Then
Tao, Terence (2012). Topics in random matrix theory. Graduate studies in mathematics. Providence, R.I: American Mathematical Society. ISBN978-0-8218-7430-1.