Maciej Ganczar (born January 19, 1976, in Łódź) is a Polish literary scholar specializing in German literature, literary translator, author of publications for foreign language teaching, also in the field of languages for special purposes.
Maciej Ganczar is also the editor of a scientific series devoted to links between medicine and the humanities ars medica ac humanitas.
Since 2011 he has been a member of the International Hermann Broch’s Society in Washington. In the same year he was appointed Chairman of the Polish Literary Translators' Association and he held the position for two terms, until 2017. Since 2015 he is also a member of the BRISTOL Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Polish as a Foreign Language, as well as of the Polish Association for Theatre Research. In 2019 he joined Open Republic – Association against Antisemitism and Xenophobia.
Literatura austriacka w dobie faszyzmu. In: "Philology issue 1, Zeszyty Naukowe" 23/2009, p. 23–35.
O Hermanie Brochu i Mowie pożegnalnej Hitlera. In: "Odra" 5/2008, p. 36–38.
"Ich finde um zu erfinden." Peter Härtling im Gespräch mit Maciej Ganczar. In: "Studia niemcoznawcze", Vol. XXXVII. Warsaw 2008, p. 305–308.
Eine Studie über die Identität des Künstlers Wilhelm Waiblinger im Roman "Waiblingers Augen" von Peter Härtling. In: W dialogu języków i kultur. Warsaw 2007, p. 313–322.
Peter Härtlings Künstlerbiographie "Schumanns Schatten" – das Dokumentarische und das Fiktionale. In: "Studia niemcoznawcze", Vol. XXXII. Warsaw 2006, p. 527–538.
Der Künstler E.T.A. Hoffmann im Roman "Hoffmann oder Die vielfältige Liebe" von Peter Härtling. Vom Verarbeiten des Biographischen im literarischen Werk. In: "Studia niemcoznawcze", Vol. XXXI, Warsaw 2005, p. 529–538.
Literary translations (selected)
Frisch Max, Andora. Sztuka w dwunastu obrazach. In: Max Frisch, Dramaty zebrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2017, p. 189–273.
Frisch Max, Rip van Winkle. Słuchowisko. In: Max Frisch, Dramaty zebrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2017, p. 377–428.
Frisch Max, Santa Cruz. In: Max Frisch, Dramaty zebrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2017, p. 43–108.
Hochhuth Rolf: Lekarki, Warsaw: ADiT 2016.
Schnitzler Arthur: Partnerka. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 417–434.
Schnitzler Arthur: Literatura. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 489–517.
Schnitzler Arthur: Lalkarz. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 601–620.
Schnitzler Arthur: Mężny Kasjan. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 621–639.
Schnitzler Arthur: Rozmowa młodego krytyka ze starym. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 7–13.
Schnitzler Arthur: Intermezzo. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 15–88.
Schnitzler Arthur: Hrabianka Mizzi albo dzień z rodziną. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 89–122.
Schnitzler Arthur: Godzina prawdy. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 369–398.
Schnitzler Arthur: Wielka scena. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 399–440.
Schnitzler Arthur: Święto Bachusa. In: Arthur Schnitzler: Dramaty wybrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2014, p. 441–468.
Horváth Ödön von: Pod pięknym widokiem. In: Ödön von Horváth: Dramaty zebrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2012, p. 23–90.
Horváth Ödön von: Głową w mur. In: Ödön von Horváth: Dramaty zebrane. Volume I, Warsaw: ADiT 2012, p. 415–486.
Horváth Ödön von: Wieś bez mężczyzn. In: Ödön von Horváth: Dramaty zebrane. Volume II, Warsaw: ADiT 2012, p. 257–330.
Genazino Wilhelm: Dobry Boże, spraw, żebym oślepł. Dramaty, Warsaw: ADiT 2011. [Polish premiere: 03.11.2012, Polish Radio Programme II, directed by Maciej Wojtyszko]
Broch Hermann: Rozgrzeszenie. Z powietrza wzięte. Dramaty, Warsaw: ADiT 2010.
Becker Marc: Końce świata. ADiT, [Polish premiere: 16.03.2012, HOTELOKO Theatre, directed by Karolina Kirsz].