where are the ngeneralized coordinates that describe the system, and where is the number of equations in a system of constraints, we can differentiate by the chain rule for each equation:
By a simple substitution of nomenclature we arrive at:
Consider a pendulum. Because of how the motion of the weight is constrained by the arm, the velocity vector of the weight must be perpendicular at all times to the position vector . Because these vectors are always orthogonal, their dot product must be zero. Both position and velocity of the mass can be defined in terms of an - coordinate system:
Simplifying the dot product yields:
We multiply both sides by . This results in the Pfaffian form of the constraint equation:
This Pfaffian form is useful, as we may integrate it to solve for the holonomic constraint equation of the system, if one exists. In this case, the integration is rather trivial:
Where C is the constant of integration.
And conventionally, we may write:
The term is squared simply because it must be a positive number; being a physical system, dimensions must all be real numbers. Indeed, is the length of the pendulum arm.