Red Hood: The Lost Days
Red Hood: The Lost Days is a six-issue comic book limited series published by DC Comics in 2010 which depicts the resurrection of the character Jason Todd, later known as Red Hood. The series was written by Judd Winick and illustrated by Pablo Raimundi, Cliff Richards, and Jeremy Haun. Publication historyWinick had previously brought back the character Jason Todd from the dead in the series Batman: Under the Hood. The new limited series was meant to explain the missing years from Todd's life that had been left.[1] PlotJason Todd is reawakened from death; as he is taken care of by Talia al Ghul, he plans to take revenge on those who hurt him in life. ReceptionThe series holds an average rating of 7.8 by 13 professional critics on review aggregation website Comic Book Roundup.[2][3][4][5] PrintsIssues
Collected editions
See alsoReferences