Seleniko is the fourth album by Finnish folk group Värttinä, and second after they re-formed in 1990, released in Finland by Spirit and Polygram Finland in 1992. It immediately reached the top of the European World Music radio charts, and remained there for 3 months. In 1993, it was released by Music & Words in Benelux and Xenophile Records in the United States. NorthSide re-released the album in 1998 in the United States.
The song "Matalii ja mustii" was featured on the episode "Binky Rules/Meet Binky" of the children's show Arthur in the United States, and also appears on the first Arthur soundtrack.
Track listing
"Seelinnikoi" (music: tradition, lyrics: Sari Kaasinen, arrangement: Janne Lappalainen, Tom Nyman, Riitta Potnoja, Kari Reiman) – 3:40
"Lemmennosto" / "Awakening of Love" (music & lyrics: S. Kaasinen, arr.: Nyman, Reiman, Tommi Viksten) – 2:53
"Kylä vuotti uutta kuuta" / "The Village Awaits the New Moon" (music & lyrics: trad., arr.: S. Kassinen, Lappalainen, Nyman, Reiman) – 5:08
"Hyvä tyttönä hypätä" / "Good to Stay a Single Girl" (music: trad., lyrics: S. Kaasinen, arr.: Heiskanen, S. Kaasinen, Lappalainen, Nyman, Potinoja, Reiman) – 3:45