We say that M is a Valya algebra if the commutant of this algebra is a Lie subalgebra. Each Lie algebra is a Valya algebra.
There is the following relationship between the commutant-associative algebra and Valentina algebra. The replacement of the multiplication g(A,B) in an algebra M by the operation of commutation [A,B]=g(A,B)-g(B,A), makes it into the algebra .
If M is a commutant-associative algebra, then is a Valya algebra. A Valya algebra is a generalization of a Lie algebra.
Let us give the following examples regarding Valya algebras.
(1) Every finite Valya algebra is the tangent algebra of an analytic local commutant-associative loop (Valya loop) as each finite Lie algebra is the tangent algebra of an analytic local group (Lie group). This is the analog of the classical correspondence between analytic local groups (Lie groups) and Lie algebras.
on a symplectic manifold can be introduced by the rule
where is 1-form. A set of all nonclosed 1-forms, together with this operation, is Lie algebra.
If and are closed 1-forms, then
A set of all closed 1-forms, together with this bracket, form a Lie algebra. A set of all nonclosed 1-forms together with the bilinear operation is a Valya algebra, and it is not a Lie algebra.