He founded the Korea Reformed Theological Society[1][circular reference][2] in 1996, and served as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd president of the Society. He set up the Graduate School of Christian Studies in Soongsil University, served as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th Dean. Founder of Academia Christiana, he also has served as the president of Academia Christiana since 1988. He made the Shalomnabi,[3] a civic organization, in 2010, has been serving as its chairman.[4] He was a chairman of Korea Evangelical Theological Society,[5] a chairman of Korea Society for Hermeneutics (2004–2006),[6] a chairman of Christian Philosophy Society (2006–2012),[7] and a chairman of Korea Reformed Theology Society.[8]
“The 1st Century and 2nd Century of Soongsil", Asia in 21st Century and Christian University, 253–274, August 1998.
"Gott in Husserls transzendental phänomenologischem Denken", Phänomenologie in Korea, Kah Kyung Cho und Jeon Sook Hahn (Hg.), Orbis Phaenomenologicus, Freiburg, München:Alber2001, 129–155.
"The Tasks of Reformed Theology in the 21st Century from Korean Context",
Bible and Theology, Vol. XXX, A Suggestion of Korea Evangelical Theology to Western Theology, Korea Evangelical Theological Society, 2001, 96–114,
“The Idea of Transformed Hermeneutics", Evangelical Review of Theology, Editor: David Parker, Vol. 25, No. 3, July 2001, 196–209
"A Suggestion of Korea Evangelical Theology to Western Theology", Bible and Theology Vol. XXX, A Suggestion of Korea Evangelical Theology to Western Theology, Korea Evangelical Theological Society, 2002, Word of Life Press, 6–11
"The Identity of Reformed Theology and Its Ecumenicity in the Twenty-First Century: Reformed Theology as Transformational Cultural Theology", in: Reformed Theology:Identity and Ecumenicity, Wallace M. Alston & Michael Welker(Editors), Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003, 3–19
“The Unity and Diversity of Evangelicalism,” vol. 35, 17 p. Bible and Theology, Korea Evangelical Theological Society, 2004.4.25
“Reformed Evangelical Theology," in: International Journal of Christian Studies, Volume 1, 1 June 2006, Soongsil Graduate School of Christian Studies/Department of Christian Studies, Soongsil University, 2006, 13–34
“The Identity of Theology and Its Scientificity," in: International Journal of Christian Studies, Volume III, I June 2007, Soongsil Graduate School of Christian Studies/ Department of Christian Studies, Soongsil University, 15–46
“A Critical Reflection on Barth and van Til in the Reformed Tradition," in; International Journal of Christian Studies, Soongsil University, June 2008, 15–33,
"Toward an Open Orthodox Reformed Theology; A Reflection of traditional Western Theology & desirable Theological Movement for Korean Church." in; A Theological Journal of KIMCHI, December 2009