KyaiHajjiZubair Dahlan (born Anwar,[3]Jawi: زبير دحلان; 1905 – November 25, 1969) was an Indonesian ulama of tafsir, fiqh, uṣūl al-fiqh, and tasawwuf from Rembang Regency, Central Java. Every year, in the month of Ramadan, Zubair always routinely teaches the Tafsir al-Jalalayn to his students. In addition, he also active in teaching branches of Arabic grammar and tawhid at the Pesantren Sarang. Zubair is the father of an influential cleric in Indonesia, Maimun Zubair, and a teacher of several Nahdlatul Ulama cleric such as Sahal Mahfudz, Bisri Syansuri [id], and others. Some of his students later became caregivers and leaders of famous pesantren in Indonesia, such as Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo [id], Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri [id], Pondok Pesantren Al-Falah Ploso, Pondok Pesantren Mranggen, and other pesantren.
Website, Tim (2 December 2010). "K.H. Zubair Dahlan (Ayah)" [K.H. Zubair Dahlan (Father)]. Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar official website (in Indonesian). Archived from the original on 8 August 2019. Retrieved 8 August 2019.
Arafah (10 March 2019). "KH. Zubair Dahlan dan Hukuman bagi PKI" [KH. Zubair Dahlan and Punishment for the PKI]. (in Indonesian). Archived from the original on 8 August 2019. Retrieved 8 August 2019.
Raditya, Iswara N; Hidayat, Wisnu Amri (6 August 2019). Aziz, Abdul (ed.). "Sejarah Hidup KH Maimun Zubair: Wafatnya Mbah Moen Ulama Panutan" [Life History of KH Maimun Zubair: Death of Mbah Moen, Influential Cleric]. (in Indonesian). Archived from the original on 8 August 2019. Retrieved 8 August 2019.
"Keluarga Syaikhuna" [Family of Our Teacher]. Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar official website (in Indonesian). Archived from the original on 8 August 2019. Retrieved 8 August 2019.
Further reading
Ulum, Amirul (2018). KH Zubair Dahlan: Kontribusi Kiai Sarang untuk Nusantara & Dunia Islam [KH Zubair Dahlan: Contribution of Kyai of Sarang to the Archipelago & the Islamic World] (in Indonesian). Yogyakarta: Global Press. ISBN978-602-5653-24-7.
Zubair, Maimun (n.d.). تراجم: مشايخ المعاهد الدينية بسارانج القدماء [Tarājim: Predecessor Clerics of Islamic Boarding Schools in Sarang] (in Arabic). Rembang Regency: Lajnah Ta'lif wan Nasyr Pondok Pesantren Al-Anwar Sarang. pp. 27–35.
Thomafi, Muhammad Luthfi (2007). Mbah Ma'shum Lasem: the Authorized Biography of K.H. Ma'shum Ahmad (in Indonesian). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pesantren. ISBN9789798452345.