Fortress est une série de livres consacrée à l’histoire des fortifications militaires publiée par l’éditeur britannique Osprey Publishing.
La série de livres Fortress décrit l’histoire des fortifications militaires et autres constructions bâties par l’homme afin de poursuivre ses buts de guerre, leur évolution au fil du temps et leur architecture. Comme de coutume, Osprey propose des livres comprenant des dessins en coupe, des cartes, des diagrammes et des illustrations en couleurs ainsi que des photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur qui viennent compléter le texte[1].
Fortress apparaît en 2003 avec le titre Japanese Pacific Island Defenses 1941–45[2].
Les principaux auteurs des livres de la série Fortress sont, pour les textes, Stephen Turnbull, Gordon L Rottman, Nic Fields, David Nicolle, Konstantin Nossov, Angus Konstam, Christopher Gravett, René Chartrand, Ron Field, Steven J Zaloga (en), Neil Short et Terrance McGovern ainsi qu'Adam Hook, Peter Dennis, Chris Taylor, Brian Delf, Donato Spedaliere, Ian Palmer, Hugh Johnson et Steve Noon pour les illustrations.
Correspondants permanents
Liste détaillée des numéros de Fortress
- Fortress 1, février 2003 - Japanese Pacific Island Defenses 1941–45, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Ian Palmer (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 2, février 2003 - Hadrian’s Wall AD 122–410, par Nic Fields (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 3, février 2003 - U-Boat Bases and Bunkers 1941–45, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Ian Palmer (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 4, février 2003 - American Defenses of Corregidor and Manila Bay 1898–1945, par Mark Berhow, Terrance McGovern (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 5, avril 2003 - Japanese Castles 1540–1640, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 6, avril 2003 - American Civil War Fortifications (1). Coastal brick and stone forts, par Angus Konstam (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 7, juin 2003 - The Lines of Torres Vedras 1809–11, par Ian Fletcher (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 8, juin 2003 - Defenses of Pearl Harbor and Oahu 1907–50, par Terrance McGovern, Glen Williford (texte), John Richards et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 9, août 2003 - English Civil War Fortifications 1642–51, par Peter Harrington (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defence The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 10, août 2003 - The Maginot Line 1928–45, par William Allcorn (texte), Jeff Vanelle et Vincent Boulanger (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Historical background The structure of the Maginot Line The Maginot Line in peace The Maginot Line at war Aftermath Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 11, octobre 2003 - Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (1). The red-brick castles of Prussia 1230–1466, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defence The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 12, novembre 2003 - Fortresses of the Peninsular War 1808–14, par Ian Fletcher (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The evolution of the fortress Fortress Spain The principles of defence The besieger and the besieged ‘Sheer bludgeon work’: the fortresses in war The fortresses today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 13, octobre 2003 - Norman Stone Castles (1). The British Isles 1066–1216, par Christopher Gravett (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defence The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 14, octobre 2003 - Fortifications in Wessex c. 800–1066, par Ryan Lavelle (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development The Sites Town and Garrison Life Campaigns in Wessex Aftermath Visiting Alfred's Wessex Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 15, janvier 2004 - Germany's West Wall. The Siegfried Line, par Neil Short (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 16, janvier 2004 - The Fortifications of Malta 1530–1945, par Charles Stephenson (texte) et Steve Noon (illustrations)
Sommaire : 'The Key to Malta' The Knights of St John: Arrival and Survival Construction and Reconstruction The Outer Ring Malta under the British: 1800-1940 The Second Siege: 1940-43 Malta as an Archaeological Site The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 17, janvier 2004 - Troy c. 1700–1250 BC, par Nic Fields (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Homer's Heroes The Searchers The Archaeologists The Fortifications Siege Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 18, mars 2004 - Norman Stone Castles (2). Europe 950–1204, par Christopher Gravett (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The costs of construction Tour of a castle: Château-Gaillard The principles of defence Life in a Norman castle The castles at war Normandy Southern Italy and Sicily The fate of the castles Visiting the castles today Bibliography Index
- Fortress 19, mai 2004 - Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (2). The stone castles of Latvia and Estonia 1185–1560, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defence The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 20, mai 2004 - British Home Defences 1940–45, par Bernard Lowry (texte), Chris Taylor et Vincent Boulanger (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Operation Sealion Developing the defences 1940-41 Britain's land defences Coastal defences Defending Britain's airspace The enemy within The invasion threat recedes A nation at war 1944-45: Hitler's vengeance weapons Aftermath Chronology Bibliography Glossary and abbreviations Index
- Fortress 21, juillet 2004 - Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1097–1192, par David Nicolle (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence A tour of five Crusader castles Feudal, religious and urban defences The fortifications at war The fate of the fortifications Visiting the fortifications today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 22, juillet 2004 - Mycenaean Citadels c. 1350–1200 BC, par Nic Fields (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 23, août 2004 - German Field Fortifications 1939–45, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Ian Palmer (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction German tactical defence doctrine Planning the defences Defensive firepower Materials and construction methods Types of defensive position Theatre-specific defences The fortifications at war An assessment of German field fortifications Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 24, septembre 2004 - Fortifications of the Western Front 1914–18, par Paddy Griffith (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Operational History The Principles of Defence Tour of a Trench System Life in a Trench Design and Development Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 25, octobre 2004 - The Walls of Constantinople AD 324–1453, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defence The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 26, octobre 2004 - Afghanistan Cave Complexes 1979–2004. Mountain strongholds of the Mujahideen, Taliban & Al Qaeda, par Mir Bahmanyar (texte) et Ian Palmer (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and Development Tour of the Sites The Principles of Defense The Living Sites Operational History Aftermath The Sites Today Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 27, mars 2005 - French Fortresses in North America 1535–1763. Québec, Montréal, Louisbourg and New Orleans, par René Chartrand (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction: a network of fortresses Louisbourg Québec Montréal New Orleans The fall of the fortresses Their ultimate fate Bibliography and Further Reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 28, février 2005 - Forts of the American Frontier 1820–91. Central and Northern Plains, par Ron Field (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Development of the forts on the Central and Northern Plains The types of military forts The principle of elements of defense Life in a frontier fort The forts at war The fate of the Plains forts The forts today Bibliography Index
- Fortress 29, avril 2005 - US World War II and Korean War Field Fortifications 1941–53, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Ian Palmer (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction American tactical defense doctrine Building and manning the defenses Construction materials Types of emplacements Theater specific defenses The test of battle An assessment of US field fortifications References and glossary Index
- Fortress 30, mai 2005 - Fort Eben Emael. The key to Hitler’s victory in the West, par Simon Dunstan (texte) et Hugh Johnson (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Fort Eben Emael Fall Gelb – Case Yellow Blame and counterblame Organization of Sturmgruppe Granit Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 31, octobre 2005 - Rome’s Northern Frontier AD 70–235. Beyond Hadrian's Wall, par Nic Fields (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Agricola's northern campaigns The Gask Ridge The Antonine conquest and consolidation The Antonine Wall The sites today Bibliography Abbreviations Glossary Index
- Fortress 32, juillet 2005 - Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1192–1302, par David Nicolle (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The development of Crusader fortifications The principles of defence A tour of five Crusader fortifications Life in the Holy Land castles The Crusader States at war The fate of the fortifications Visiting the fortifications today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 33, août 2005 - Special Forces Camps in Vietnam 1961–70, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction The threat Camp design Camp construction Camp defense The test of battle Aftermath Glossary Bibliography Index
- Fortress 34, aoput 2005 - Japanese Fortified Temples and Monasteries AD 710–1062, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : From worshippers to warriors – the development of the fortified temple Chronology Design features of the fortified temple 1: the sacred space Design features of the fortified temple 2: the temple Representative fortified temples of Japan The living site Operational History Aftermath The fortified temple sites today Glossary Bibliography and further reading Index
- Fortress 35, septembre 2005 - British Fortifications in Zululand 1879, par Ian Knight (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The role of fortifications during the Anglo-Zulu war The first invasion: the Coastal Column The first invasion: the Centre Column The first invasion: the Northern Column The second invasion; the war of fortification The final battle Visiting the forts today Select bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 36, septembre 2005 - US Strategic and Defensive Missile Systems 1950–2004, par Mark Berhow (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Historical overview Missile system development Missile system organization and life at the missile sites US missile sites today Conclusion Bibliography and further research Abbreviations Appendix Index
- Fortress 37, novembre 2005 - D-Day Fortifications in Normandy, par Steven J Zaloga (texte) et Hugh Johnson (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Design and development Tour of the sites The living site The site in war Aftermath The site today Further reading Index
- Fortress 38, novembre 2005 - American Civil War Fortifications (2). Land and Field Fortifications, par Ron Field (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The antebellum experience, 1830–61 The key elements of field fortification The war in the East, 1861–64 The Richmond defenses, 1861–65 The overland campaign, 1862–64 War in the East, 1864–65 The fortifications of Petersburg, 1864–65 The fate of the fortifications Visiting the sites today Index
- Fortress 39, février 2006 - Russian Fortresses 1480–1682, par Konstantin Nossov (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The principles of defence Design and development Tour of the sites Linear defensive systems The living sites The sites at war Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 40, janvier 2006 - Ancient Greek Fortifications 500–300 BC, par Nic Fields (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Building methods Fortifications Nature of conflict and society Siegecraft The sites today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 41, février 2006 - The Channel Islands 1941–45. Hitler's impregnable fortress, par Charles Stephenson (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction World War II Anatomy of an ‘impregnable fortress’ The principles of defence The living site Finale The sites today Bibliography Index
- Fortress 42, avril 2006 - The Vauban Fortifications of France, par Paddy Griffith (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Vauban: an indefatigable servant of the king The limits of Vauban’s achievement The Pré Carré Vauban’s pragmatic innovations in fortification design The importance of depth defence Operational history Principles of defence and features of fortress design Aftermath The sites today Bibliography and further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 43, avril 2006 - Roman Legionary Fortresses 27 BC–AD 378, par Duncan B Campbell (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology of the Roman imperial legions The design and development of legionary fortresses The elements of a legionary fortress Living in a legionary fortress Aftermath: the legionary fortresses in the later period Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 44, juin 2006 - American Coastal Defenses 1885–1950, par Terrance McGovern, Bolling Smith (texte) et Peter Bull (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology American coastal defenses in the muzzle-loading era American coastal defenses during the modern era Life in the coast artillery Coastal defense in the modern era The fort Armament and batteries Seacoast ammunition US-Army controlled submarine mines Fire control and position finding Searchlights The forts today Recommended reading Glossary Appendix: American seacoast artillery weapon characteristics Index
- Fortress 45, juin 2006 - German Defences in Italy in World War II, par Neil Short (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence The living site Operational history Aftermath The sites today German defensive lines in Italy Bibliography and further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 46, mars 2006 - Castles and Tower Houses of the Scottish Clans 1450–1650, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Graham Turner (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Construction Principles of defence Tour of a castle: Urquhart Everyday life in the castles and tower houses The castles and tower houses at war The fate of the castles and towers Index
- Fortress 47, juillet 2006 - Fortifications of the Incas. 1200–1531, par H. W. Kaufmann, J.E. Kaufmann (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Inca military infrastructure Construction materials and techniques Organization of the empire Major Inca sites The Spanish conquest of Tawantinsuyu 1526–72 Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 48, août 2006 - Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War, par Gordon L Rottman (texte), Chris Taylor Lee et Ray Alex Mallinson (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction The nature of the land and the war Building and manning the defenses Construction techniques and materials Field fortifications Camps and villages Tunnel systems Tackling the tunnels and fortifications The test of battle An assessment of the fortifications The sites today Bibliography and further research Abbreviations Index
- Fortress 49, août 2006 - The Spanish Main 1492–1800, par René Chartrand (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Administrative organization of the Spanish Main Castles in America Corsairs, pirates and convoys The fortification plan of 1588 Declining fortunes 1600-70 Defending the Spanish Main 1670-1763 Renewal of the fortification system from 1763 The garrisons The forts today Glossary of fortification terms Select bibliography Index
- Fortress 50, septembre 2006 - The Forts of Celtic Britain, par Angus Konstam (texte) et Peter Bull (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development - The principles of defence Tour of the sites The living site Celtic forts at war Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 51, septembre 2006 - Indian Castles 1206–1526. The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate, par Konstantin Nossov (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The principles of defence Castle design and development A tour of three castles Interiors and living quarters The castles in war The fate of the castles The castles today Bibliography and further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 52, octobre 2006 - The Fortifications of Gibraltar 1068–1945, par Darren Fa, Clive Finlayson (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Islamic Gibraltar The Spanish defences The 18th-century British fortifications and the Great Siege 'Strong as the Rock': Gibraltar and the British Empire The development of the Naval Yard Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 53, octobre 2006 - Defending Space. US Anti-Satellite Warfare and Space Weaponry, par Clayton Chun (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Everyday space operations Space systems at war Threats to US space systems Aftermath US Military space sites Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 54, novembre 2006 - Forts of the American Frontier 1820–91. The Southern Plains and Southwest, par Ron Field (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Development of the forts The principal elements of defense Life in a frontier fort The forts at war The fate of the forts The forts today Select bibliography Index
- Fortress 55, novembre 2006 - Cathar Castles. Fortresses of the lbigensian Crusade 1209–1300, par Marcus Cowper (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development of the fortified towns of the Languedoc Design and development of the Cathar Castles - The living site The Albigensian Crusade Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 56, décembre 2006 - Rome’s Saxon Shore. Coastal Defences of Roman Britain AD 250–500, par Nic Fields (texte) et Donato Spedaliere (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Britannia Design Anatomy Function Occupation The sites today Glossary Bibliography Index
- Fortress 57, janvier 2007 - The Great Wall of China 221 BC–AD 1644, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Steve Noon (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction: raiding and trading Chronology Design and development The Great Wall as a strategic defensive system The Great Wall at the operational level The Great Wall from end to end The living site Operational history Aftermath: the Great Wall as a symbol The Great Wall today Bibliography Index
- Fortress 58, janvier 2007 - Vietnam Firebases 1965-73. American and Australian Forces, par Randy E. M Foster (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction What is a firebase? Building a firebase The operational use of firebases Tour of a firebase: design and developments Life in a firebase Aftermath The sites today Select bibliography Glossary and abbreviations Index
- Fortress 59, février 2007 - Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191–1571, par David Nicolle (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence Tour of the castles The living sites The castles at war Aftermath Visiting the fortifications today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 60, février 2007 - The Forts of the Meuse in World War I, par Clayton Donnell (texte) et Hugh Johnson (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Tour of the sites The principles of defence Life in the forts The forts at war Aftermath The forts today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 61, avril 2007 - Medieval Russian Fortresses AD 862–1480, par Konstantin Nossov (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The principles of defence Zmievy Valy (Snake Ramparts) Design and development Tour of the sites The living sites The sites in war Aftermath The sites today Bibliography and further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 62, avril 2007 - Soviet Field Fortifications 1941–45, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Soviet tactical defence doctrine Building and manning the defences Terrain-specific defenses Defensive action The test of battle An assessment of Soviet field defences The Sites Today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 63, juin 2007 - The Atlantic Wall (1). France, par Steven J Zaloga (texte), Chris Taylor, Hugh Johnson et Lee Ray (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Design and development The principles of defense Tour of the sites The living sites The sites at war• Aftermath The sites today Further reading Index
- Fortress 64, juillet 2007 - The Castles of Edward I in Wales 1277–1307, par Christopher Gravett (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence A tour of a castle: Caernarfon Life in the castles The castles at war Aftermath Visiting the castles today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 65, mai 2008 - The Forts of Judaea 168 BC–AD 73. From the Maccabees to the Fall of Masada, par Samuel Rocca (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction A tour of the sites The living sites The sites at war Aftermath The sites today Chronology Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 66, septembre 2007 - The Castles of Henry VIII, par Peter Harrington (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence A tour of the sites The living sites The castles in war An assessment of the castles Aftermath Visiting the castles today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 67, novembre 2007 - Japanese Castles in Korea 1592–98, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction: the very short history of the wajo Design and Structural and architectural features of the wajo The wajo as a defensive system The wajo from end to end The living site Operational history Aftermath The wajo today Bibliography Index
- Fortress 68, novembre 2007 - American Civil War Fortifications (3). The Mississippi and River Forts, par Ron Field (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The river campaigns, 1861-64 Life in the Vicksburg fortifications The fate of the fortifications Glossary Visiting the forts today Bibliography and further reading Index
- Fortress 69, février 2008 - The Berlin Wall and the Intra-German Border 1961-89, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Chris Taylor (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction The origins of division Chronology The Intra-German Border The Berlin Wall Manning the Wall and the IGB Testing the barriers An assessment of the Wall and the IGB The sites today Further reading and research Glossary and abbreviations Index
- Fortress 70, mars 2008 - Strongholds of the Border Reivers. Fortifications of the Anglo-Scottish Border 1296–1603, par Keith Durham (texte) et Graham Turner (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Border fortifications Principles of defence Tour of a tower house – Smailholm Everyday life in the tower house Border strongholds at war The fate of the castles, tower houses, bastles and defensible churches Visiting the sites today Glossary Bibliography Index
- Fortress 71, mars 2008 - The Walls of Rome, par Nic Fields (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Rome’s early defences The age of Aurelian The Aurelian Wall The Maxentian improvements From Honorius to Belisarius Aurelian’s legacy The sites today Glossary and abbreviations Bibliography Index
- Fortress 72, janvier 2008 - German V-Weapon Sites 1943–45, par Steven J Zaloga (texte) et Hugh Johnson (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction The V-weapon programs Design and development The Allies intervene The sites at war The missile sites in retrospect The sites today Further reading Index
- Fortress 73, février 2008 - Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC, par Konstantin Nossov (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Methods of construction Anatomy of Hittite fortresses Tour of the sites: Hattusha, Alacahöyük and Karatepe Sanctuaries and the living sites Aftermath The sites today Bibliography and further reading Index
- Fortress 74, avril 2008 - Japanese Castles AD 250–1540, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The living sites The sites at war Japanese castles today Further reading Index
- Fortress 75, mai 2008 - The Forts of New France in Northeast America 1600–1763, par René Chartrand (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence Tour of the sites The living sites Operational history Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 76, juin 2008 - Saracen Strongholds AD 630–1050. The Middle East and Central Asia, par David Nicolle (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence Tour of the sites The living sites The sites at war Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 77, septembre 2008 - The Stalin and Molotov Lines. Soviet Western Defences 1928–41, par Neil Short (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence Tour of the sites The living site Operational history Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 78, septembre 2008 - The German Fortress of Metz 1870–1944, par Clayton Donnell (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Tour of the sites Principles of defence The living sites The sites at war Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 79, novembre 2008 - Israeli Fortifications of the October War 1973, par Simon Dunstan (texte) et Steve Noon (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Principles of defence Tour of the sites The living site Operational history Aftermath The sites today Bibliography and glossary Index
- Fortress 80, novembre 2008 - British Forts in the Age of Arthur, par Angus Konstam (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Principles of defence Tour of the sites The living site Dark Age forts at war Aftermath The sites today Bibliography and glossary Index
- Fortress 81, avril 2009 - Maori Fortifications, par Ian Knight (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : The role of warfare in Maori society Chronology The pre-colonial pa; the fortified village Hongi Hika and the ‘Musket Wars’ The ‘New Zealand Wars’ The end of the pa Pa sites today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 82, mars 2009 - Scottish Baronial Castles 1250–1450, par Michael Brown (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology 13th-century castles Design and function Tour of a site: Kildrummy castle The castles at war 1296–1356 Rebuilding the castles 1350–1450 Castle life in late medieval Scotland The aftermath: baronial castles 1450–1700 Visiting the sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 83, mai 2009 - Roman Auxiliary Forts 27 BC–AD 378, par Duncan B Campbell (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Chronology of Roman auxiliary forts The design and development of auxiliary forts The elements of an auxiliary fort Living in a Roman fort Aftermath: auxiliary forts in the later period The sites today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 84, mai 2009 - Chinese Walled Cities 221 BC– AD 1644, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Steve Noon (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Principles of defence Tour of the sites The living sites Operational history Aftermath The cities today Bibliography and glossary Index
- Fortress 85, juillet 2009 - Scapa Flow. The defences of Britain’s great fleet anchorage 1914–45, par Angus Konstam (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The development of Scapa Flow’s defences Principles of defence: ‘Plan Q’ and ‘Plan R’ A tour of the fortress Life in the Orkney Garrison Scapa Flow at war The aftermath of World War II The defences of Scapa Flow today Museums and other attractions Further reading Appendix Index
- Fortress 86, juillet 2009 - English Castles 1200–1300, par Christopher Gravett (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence 13th century The castle at peace The castle at war Aftermath Visiting the castles today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 87, septembre 2009 - Saracen Strongholds 1100–1500. The Central and Eastern Islamic Lands, par David Nicolle (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
- Fortress 88, septembre 2009 - The Mannerheim Line 1920–39. Finnish Fortifications of the Winter War, par Bair Irincheev (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
- Fortress 89, novembre 2009 - The Atlantic Wall (2). Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Norway, par Steven J Zaloga (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
- Fortress 90, novembre 2009 - Greek Fortifications of Asia Minor 500–130 BC. From the Persian Wars to the Roman Conquest, par Konstantin Nossov (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
- Fortress 91, févrtier 2010 - The Fortifications of Ancient Israel and Judah 1200–586 BC, par Samuel Rocca (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
- Fortress 92, février 2010 - Strongholds of the Picts. The fortifications of Dark Age Scotland, par Angus Konstam (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology The Early Historic forts of Scotland Dundurn and Dunadd: a tour of two great strongholds The principles of defence The living sites The sites in war Aftermath The sites today Further reading Glossary Index
- Fortress 93, avril 2010 - The Forts of New France. The Great Lakes, the Plains and the Gulf Coast 1600–1763, par René Chartrand (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence Tour of the sites The living sites Operational history Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 94, avril 2010 - Spanish Colonial Fortifications in North America 1565–1822, par Alejandro de Quesada (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design & development The principles of defence Tour of the sites The living sites Operational history Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 95, mai 2010 - Ottoman Fortifications 1300–1710, par David Nicolle (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
- Fortress 96, juin 2010 - The Fortress of Rhodes 1309–1522, par Konstantin Nossov (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
- Fortress 97, août 2010 - Colditz: Oflag IV-C, par Michael McNally (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development The principles of defence Tour of the sites The living sites Operational history Aftermath The sites today Bibliography Glossary Index
- Fortress 98, septembre 2010 - The Fortifications of Ancient Egypt 3000–1780 BC, par Carola Vogel (texte) et Brian Delf (illustrations)
Sommaire : Introduction Chronology Design and development Tour of the sites: Aniba, Buhen, Uronarti, Semna-West The living sites The sites in war Aftermath The sites today Further reading Glossary Index
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Essential Histories
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