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Islamic Financial Institution and Instruments as instution is approved get optimal provit within is activities. Through assets placement on profitable investmen in minimum risk, which inspirate its mission and operational action. However, require, this instution to put great concideration …

Perkembangan lembaga keuangan syariah, dalam hal ini Bank mu’malat perlu dikembangkan lebih luas dan disosialisasikan pada masyarakat Islam, karena potensi, baik berupa sdm, maupun finansial yang dimiliki umat Islam Indonesia cukup besar. Apalagi berdasarkan prediksi para ekonom bahwa 30% umat Islam tidak mau berhubungan dengan bank (konvensional), karena khawatir uangnya ber-campur dengan bunga yang menurut sebagian umat Islam sama dengan riba. (Diskusi Sosialisasi Perbankan Syariah di KBI Yogyakarta. 8 Maret 1999)

In this article. the writer tries to describe the reality of classical fiqh which has been becoming the normative foundation of Islamic banking operations. The evidence suggests that classical fiqh has got difficulties and inability to respond the contemporary problems, particularly the banking shari’ah problems. Therefore, it is required a new formulation of dynamic fiqh in accordance with the times and able to respond contemporary problems. Therefore, it is urgent need to reconstruct the normative foundation of Shari’ah banking in Indonesia, especially that of the classical Islamic jurisprudence.

The cases of HIV/AIDS that happen in Indonesia tend to increase every year. This problem needs to be solved as soon as possible.One of government policy to overcome it is to legislate the Shari’ah Acts or to implement the Shari’ah local acts in Indonesia. According to the writer of the article, there is an expectation to decrease, to solve and to minimize the cases of HIV/AIDS victims in Indonesia if the Shari’ah acts or the Shari’ah local acts implement in Indonesia. In this sense, it is clearly that the the religious law could be an alternative to response the problem of society. Kata kunci: perda, syari’ah, HIV/AIDS, dan solusi

In Islamic Law and the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002, on protection of children. Such protection is the protection from acts of violence against children in the household. Because it is a violation of the rights of children, since it is incompatible with human values and religious teachings. In Islamic law and this law a childs rights are actually protected from the womb to age 18 years or until marriage. But from these two sources of law provides for tolerance "violence" as long as it does not affect on the physical and mental development as a means of education to the children, but still not violate the rights…

Indonesian President decree No. 1 year 1991 regarding spreading The Compilation of Islamic Law that addresses to The Minister of Religious Affairs as representation of Islamic Law that will be applied as foundation of Moslem in Indonesia. Then, its development, the position of this regulation or this decree will be graded to become the act so some articles of this decree need revising in accordance with Indonesian local culture. At the same time emerging controversial thought because of growing and developing by Islamic liberal, pluralist, emancipatorist or gender community. These communities encounter toward revised Islamic Law Compilation, so emerging the controversial ideas in Indonesia.

Buku yang akan dikaji ini adalah hasil adaptasi dari disertasi dari Achmad Gunaryo pada program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) Semarang. Buku ini memaparkan proses proses politik pergulatan yang dilalui oleh Peradilan Agama di Indonesia sehingga bisa menjadi seperti sekarang.

This article is to explain the implementation of KTSP curriculum which is invented in 2006 and is still implemented in some schools in Indonesia. Here, the writer includes several aspects, which are the current status of the curriculum, the relationship of curriculum with the mainstream environment, the organizing principle of the curriculum, theoretical approach of the curriculum, the theory of language learning, the curriculum and its context, curriculum and syllabus assessment. The method applied here is a library analysis toward KTSP curriculum. The result shows that the curriculum suits Indonesian students in almost sides since it requires teachers to develop the curriculum based on the…

Motivation is a key concept to be success in learning. Student who has high motivation would do the best in learning even though the materials were felt difficult. On the contrary, student who has low motivation would get bored and be indifferent in learning even though the materials given were so easy. In line with this, this study tried to investigate students’ motivation in learning English, whether they had intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. The study was conducted at English Department of Islamic State University (UIN) Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The sample of this study was 142 English students from first, third, fifth and seventh semesters. This study was a survey method and the techni…

This research is about the use of Number Head Together (NHT) in Teaching Speaking for Junior High School. The research problem for the study are (1) How is the use of Number Heads Together in Teaching at Junior High School, (2) What are the teacher obstacles during the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) in teaching speaking for Junior High School. The objective of the study are: (1) to figure out the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) in teaching speaking for Junior High School, (2) To find out the teacher obstacles during the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) in Teaching Speaing for Junior High School. In order to get the data, the resercher used observation sheet and Interview Guide. This…

This article discussed that the students’ difficulties in writing can be triggered by a lot of factors, but to solve those difficulties is never ending story. While correction of piece of writing is believed can helped students improve their writing, but the fact that the implementation of correction still cannot solve the problem. Moreover, students tend to be apprehensive. Writing apprehensive is dealing with the anxiety about writing. Students feel fear when they are assigned to write a piece of writing. This nevertheless, is a problematical issue that needs to be solved by the writing instructor or teacher. Some experts stated that writing apprehension can be caused by several facto…

Penelitian ini difokuskan pada upaya untuk Meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks naratif Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan video klip. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan video klip dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis teks naratif Bahasa Inggris, untuk mengetahui sejauh mana efektifitas dari penggunaan video klip untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis teks naratif, serta untuk mengetahui pendapat mahasiswa tentang menulis teks naratif dan faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan mereka sulit menghasilkan ide untuk menulis teks tersebut. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini melalui 2 (dua) tehnik; tes dan questionnaire. Tes digunakan untuk mengukur kem…

AbstractListening is a basic ability required in mastering English. The purpose of this article is to describe the utilization of audio visual media in improving listening skills of students majoring in STKIP Language BBG Banda Aceh. The main purpose of this research is 1) to know the application of learning development of audio-visual media in improving listening ability of first year English students of  STKIP BBBG. 2) to know the increasing of listening ability of English student of second year students of STKIP BBBG after getting learning using audio visual media. This research is quantitative study. To achieve these objectives, purposive sampling is used which is focused on the first…

This study was investigated the process of language teaching and learning of speaking  in terms of  teaching materials, teaching methods and learning assessments to the students’ at MTsN Blangpidie in the Academic years of  2016/2017. This study  was a descriptive  research. Two English teachers who taught at MTsN Blangpidie were participated in this study. An Interview was used to collect the data. The data were recorded, transcribed and coded based on the the problems. The finding of the study showed  that the teachers at MTsN Blangpidie of  South West Aceh used various teaching materials, teaching strategies and also learning assessments. Keywords: Speaking, T…

Constructing a sentence grammatically and syntactically correct has become a cliché but crucial problem for English as Second Language (ESL) learners. The problem is also faced by ESL teachers, significantly in correcting the students’ papers and finding the solutions for this problem. The pattern of the sentences then should be analyzed in order to find a predominant pattern normally constructed by the learners. This article tries to look and explore that point by analyzing the syntactic and grammar aspects of the sentences written by ESL Learners. Two samples of ESL learners’ writing paper are used as documents to be analyzed. The samples are taken from two different level of …

Penelitian ini membahas strategi penerjemahan dan dampak strategi terhadap teks terjemahan yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah pelamar gelar Master di Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah sepuluh produk terjemahan, dari bahasa Inggris sampai bahasa Indonesia, dari pelamar. Teks bahasa Inggris yang diterjemahkan terdiri dari 390 kata. Mereka diizinkan menggunakan kamus tradisional atau kamus offline / elektronik saat menerjemahkan teks. Penelitian menggunakan teori strategi penerjemahan yang diusulkan oleh Jääskeläinen (1993), strategi global dan lokal, dan oleh Vinay & Dalbernet (1958 & 2000), metode terjemahan (terjemahan harfiah dan oblique)…

This research was conducted to find out the students errors in distinguishing between collective and plural noun and the factors made the students errors in distinguishing between collective noun and plural noun. In collecting required data, the researcher used interview and test. The subject of this research was the students at class VII2 SMPN 1 Nisam which consisted of 29 students. The result of this research shown that the students errors were divided into three categories, namely, errors of omission, errors of addition and errors of misuse. Based on the result of test, it was found out that there were 10,7% of students made errors of omission, 67,4% errors of misuse and 21,9 % errors of …

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas fenomena human trafficking yang marak terjadi di Indonesia yang ditinjau dari konsep manusia sebagai “gambar Allah” dalam antropologi Kristen. Adapun riset yang dilakukan adalah analisis literatur. Hasilnya adalah human trafficking bertentangan dengan ajaran Krsiten yang memandang bahwa manusia diciptakan menurut gambar Allah.

Perkembangan doktrin dan Teologi Reformed yang sudah berlangsung lebih dari lima abad, telah menjadi sebuah tonggak sejarah dalam sejarah gereja dan kekristenan. Harus diakui bahwa Gerakan Reformasi telah menjadi bukti bahwa Tuhan masih memakai orang-orang yang dipilih-Nya untuk meluruskan pengajaran dan doktrin-doktrin yang sudah diselewengkan oleh gereja pada saat itu. Nama-nama seperti: Martin Luther, Phillip Melanchthon, Ulrich Zwingli, Johannes Calvin, dan lain-lain tercatat sebagai reformator dalam tradisi Calvinis. Tuhan berkarya, tetapi manusia terpilih telah dijadikan sebagai penegak kebenaran firman yang harus dikumandangkan.

Resensi Buku: Ciputra The Entrepreneur

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