Masalah dalam artikel ini adalah apakah benar doa orang percaya dapat mengubah kehendak Allah? Sebab terdapat pemahaman di kalangan orang Kristen tertentu, bahwa doa orang percaya memang dapat mengubah kehendak Allah. Karena itu tujuan artikel ini, adalah untuk memberikan jawaban apologetik sebagai upaya penjernihan terhadap ajaran Kristen yang ortodoks berkaitan dengan hakikat Allah dan system teologi injili. Metode penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah analisis literature. Kesimpulannya adalah doa tidak dapat mengubah kehendak Allah.
Konteks kehidupan gereja yang mengalami perubahan pesat di Barat dan Amerika Utara melahirkan sejumlah persoalan pada pelayanan gembala jemaat di dalam gereja. Sekularisasi, privatisasi iman dan ideologi keagamaan yang bercorak pragmatis-terapeutis menyebabkan munculnya kebingungan tentang hakikat peran dan tugas gembala jemaat. Situasi itu direspons dengan menghidupkan kembali visi lama gembala jemaat sebagai cendekiawan gereja. Berakar dalam pemahaman gembala sebagai teolog, gambaran tersebut hendak menaruh kembali peran dan tugas gembala jemaat sebagaimana selama ini dikenal dalam sejarah panjang kekristenan. Dalam konteks pergumulan Kristen di Indonesia, gambaran itu dapat dipergunakan u…
Artikel ini bersifat pengantar ke dalam pemahaman seorang teolog tentang Trinitas yakni Karl Barth. Barth menitikberatkan penjelasannya pada kesatuan Trinitas. Meskipun hal itu terlihat mirip dengan pandangan para teolog sebelumnya, Barth tetap memiliki cara tersendiri dalam mengungkapkan kesatuan Trinitas. Kita akan melihat bahwa Barth seolah-olah menegaskan perbedaan pribadi Trinitas melalui penguatan pada kesatuan Trinitas. Melalui tinjauan kepustakaan, artikel ini mencoba melihat literatur yang berkaitan langsung dengan Barth serta tulisan lain yang dianggap kredibel dan mendukung fokus penelitian. Trinitas dalam pandangan Barth adalah Allah yang mewahyu, satu yakni Allah Bapa, Anak, dan…
Artikel ini membahas tentang bagaimana misi kristiani harus memiliki blue print tentang konteks solidaritas manusia dan komunikasi antar budaya. keterlibatan dalam kehidupan sosial, berdialog dengan orang lain dan bukan menghafal dan memegang teguh doktrin, adalah langkah pertama dalam berteologi, langkah pertama yang harus diayunkan jika ingin akhirnya menemukan kebenaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana menjalankan misi Tuhan yang tepat di tengah-tengah masyarakat pluralis-religius di Indonesia. Pendekatan artikel ini dilakukan dengan kajian studi pustaka. Adapun yang menjadi kesimpulan artikel ini adalah Keristenan harus menjalankan misi Tuhan dengan menjunjun…
Abstract: Common purpose of this research are to explained public learning process on preparation step of land conservation at DesaJetisLor. And the special purpose of this research are (1)to explain about the public learning process of land conservation social activity program at DesaJetis Lor (2) to know explain public learning process on large school activity of land conservation program at DesaJetisLor (3) to explain about public learning process on RKTD arrangement activity of land conservation at JetisLor.Qualitative approach case study type use in this research.Collecting data method by interview technique, observation and documentation.Analysis technique by data reduction, data displ…
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the financial literacy of migrant worker families in terms of remittance management. This study was conducted in seven hamlets of Payaman Solokuro Village, Lamongan Regency. Using cluster random sampling techniques in determining the research sample and using the Harry King Nomogram in determining the number of samples, as many as 95 persons. Data analysis uses ANOVA (Analysis of Variant) technique. The results showed that 63.2% of migrant workers’ families received remittances of 1-3 million each sending period, and 81.1% received remittances once a month. The literacy rate of migrant workers’ families from the perspective of …
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the independence of dairy farmers in community empowerment efforts. This type of research is quantitative with descriptive design. The population of this study was 44 dairy farmers in Pait Village, Kasembon Subdistrict, as well as samples. Data collection techniques used were structured interviews. Data analysis in this research is percentage analysis. The results of this study indicate that as many as 69% of breeders have been able to take the initiative, as many as 44% of breeders are able to overcome the problem, as much as 72% of breeders are able to foster perseverance, as much as 48% of breeders have gained satisfaction, as many as 60%…
Abstract: This study aims to determine the parent's Self Image in the selection of audits. The research design used by the researcher is a case study design. This research was conducted in Tarbiyatul Athfal Ar Ridlo, Malang. The key informants selected by the researcher were 4 people, amely the principal and three student guardian. Data collection technique in this study was interviews, document study and observation. Data were analyzed qualitatively which includes the process of data reduction, data display, and verification. Data validity test is done by triangulation techniques and observation extension. The analysis shows that in the view of TA Ar Ridlo's parents are expensive schools th…
Abstract: The purpose of this study specifically is to describe the stages of organizing of Tourism Awareness Groups through the Tourism Village Program in Pujon Kidul Malang Regency. This study uses qualitative research methods using a type of case study approach. This research began with data collection using observation techniques, interviews and documentation studies. Then the data obtained is recorded and given a code. Then, in analyzing the data using data reduction, display data and drawing conclusions. After analyzing the data then checking the validity of the data, checking the validity of the data using triangulation technique. The results of this study that there are several s…
Pendidikan merupakan suatu proses kehidupan dalam mengembangkan diri tiap individu untuk dapat hidup dan melangsungkan kehidupan. Pendidikan selalu dihadapkan pada masalah-masalah baru, masalah yang dihadapi dunia pendidikan sangat luas, salah satunya yaitu banyak anak-anak yang tidak bisa sekolah. Berdasarkan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi dalam masyarakat banyak pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi oleh kelompok sosial yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap pendidikan saat ini untuk meningkatkan pendidikan masyarakat. Pendidikan tidak hanya dilakukan melalui pendidikan formal tetapi pendidikan juga bisa dilakukan melalui pendidikan nonformal. Salah satu bentuk pendidikan nonformal yaitu organisasi ke…
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Peran kader dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan bina keluarga balita. (2) Partisipasi orangtua dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan bina keluarga balita. (3) Hubungan antara peran kader dengan partisipasi orangtua dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan bina keluarga balita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Peran kader dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan BKB di Desa Mangliawan, Kecamatan Pakis, Kabupaten Malang yang terbilang tinggi adalah kader berperan dalam mencatat hasil perkembangan anak di KKA, sedangkan peran kader yang masih rendah adalah peran kader dalam mendampingi keluarga untuk melakukan rujukan. (2) Partisipasi orangtua dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan BKB tergolo…
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas diklat vokasi pengolahan jagung dengan pendekatan pola magang terhadap peningkatan kompetensi peserta. Metode penelitian menggunakan dengan  metode Diskrif analisis dengan jalan survey dengan menggunakan kuessener, adapun analisis data dianalisa secara diskriptif dan korelasi dengan menggunakan software SPSS Versi 18 for windows. Hasil penelitian Diklat vokasi pengolahan jagung dengan pendekatan pola magang menunjukkan efektif dan efisien terhadap peningkatan kompetensi peserta, dengan perincian sebagai berikut : (1). Aspek penyelenggaraan menujukkan dari 21 unsur yang dinilai menunjukkan sesuai dengan target sas…
AbstrakPandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan dampak pada perubahan model pembelajaran tatap muka menjadi pembelajaran daring. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring di PKBM Budi Utama berlangsung spontan tanpa persiapan. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh gambaran  kebutuhan pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei. 167 peserta didik kesetaraan dan 18 tutor menjadi responden dengan mengisi survei kebutuhan pembelajaran daring melalui google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 88,17% responden menginginkan adanya sosialisasi pembelajaran daring; 69,89% responden memilih pembelajaran daring melalui google classroom; 45,16% memilih m…
Background: A turnover occurrence in the hospital was a constant problem. The cause of turnover was largely inclined to the level of job satisfaction, hostile work environment, excessive workload, resulting in a lack of motivation to stay. Methods: This study was conducted in a narrative review by looking at the factors causing turnover at various hospitals. The review was done by searching for articles and journals related to factors that lead to nurse turnover in the hospital. The referral journals are published in the accredited journal publications. The literature investigation was conducted in October-December 2017 through Universitas Indonesia online library and Google Scholar. Journal…
Background: Based on the success of a pesticide in to overcome the problem of pest attacks, more farmers tend to use pesticide in higherdoze. Aims: The purpose of this research is to identify problems and looking for cause a problem so that obtained alternative problem handling food safety in products of vegetable planted farmers. Methods: An observational study with cross sectional design. The total sample of 25 farmers with non-random sampling technique that is total population. Analysis of the data used univariate and bivariate analysis using Spearman correlation test and continued with a linear regression test Results: All respondents in plant vegetable use pesticides.A kind of pesticide…
Background: Premature infants are prone to loose skin stimulation through skin contact with the amniotic fluid and the uterine wall of the mother during the intrauterine phase. This situation becomes one of the decisive factors in the growth and development of infantsâ nerves. In addition to the initial sensory deficiency, prematurity raises other related factors such as the absence of bonding between the mother and the newborns due to the need to remain in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Prematurity also has adverse effects on the psychological and biological development of the children and the parentsâ welfare. Aims: The aim of this study was to analyze the literature re…
Background: RAA Soewondo Hospital Pati treated herniorrhaphy patients around 454 patients every year. The results of the preliminary study a study of 10 patients undergoing surgery herniorrhaphy through interviews revealed that most patients do not understand the circumstances that will be experienced, still worried by the operation, and yet ready to undergo surgery. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education on surgery preparation to anxiety level of patients with pre herniorrhaphy in RAA Soewondo hospital Pati. Method: This study used quasi-experimental design, One Group with Pretest and Posttest. Thirty patients were selected by accidental sampling wit…
Background: As social and sexual being, adolescent have rights to exchange, seek and process information regarding their sexual and reproductive health. However, many adolescent in Indonesia did not seek and process information about reproductive health due to some barriers. Using situational theory of publics in the context of adolescent reproductive health in Indonesia, this study aimed to determine the effect of problem recognition, constraint recognition and level of involvement on information seeking and information processing. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in September until December 2013 among 124 high school students in SMA Angkasa 1 Lanud Medan. Results: This stu…
Background: Partograph is one of the useful tools in monitoring the progress of labor as the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and WHO (World Health Organization) to prevent delays in handling. Midwives as caregiver and monitoring in labor must be skilled in the use of partograph. Results of preliminary study that involved 8 midwifery students of Bunga Kalimantan Banjarmasin who were observing labor,shows none of them had initiative to make partograph. Aims: The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and practice of midwifery students of Bunga Kalimantan Banjarmasinto the partograph documentation. Methods: This research was an analytical study w…
Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability in adults. A comprehensive and integrated stroke unit care plays an important role to reduce these burdens. This paper aims to describe the difference in outcomes between stroke care in stroke units and non-stroke units as information basis to encourage hospitals to establish this service. Methods: This review is done based on research articles on stroke treatment outcomes in the stroke unit. The literature search was conducted in December 2017 to May 2018 through University of Indonesias online library and Google Scholar. Five articles are selected based on predetermined criteria. Articles that examined compar…