How confident are ASEAN as a regional organization? Will ASEAN turn into a mere coffee-talk forum? This article evaluates the bases for ASEAN and demonstrates that ASEAN has reasons to stay strong as regional cooperation. Rather than denying tensions, this article agrees that there are tensions among members but it also recognizes such challenge as the one that unites ASEAN members together. There are some dilemmas among members of ASEAN that does not left much room for members but to cooperate with each other: the dilemma of risking higher tensions among members, the dilemma of risking the benefits of existing pooling of resources, the dilemma of improving connectivity among members and the…

[no abstract available]

World military expenditure in post-Cold War world shows increasing trend especially in ASEAN region; Indonesia is no exception. The trend may have been supported by the argument that military expenditure has positive multiplier effects on economic growth. Unfortunately, there have been not too many studies on the effect of military expenditure on economic growth in the Indonesia context. This paper examines the topic by first reviewing literature on the relationship between military expenditure and economic growth, then by empirically testing the causal relationship between the two variables by using the Augmented Sollow Growth Model. The result shows that Indonesia's military expenditure ha…

With the rise of digital technologies and innovation disrupting the economy, the global phenomenon challenged the current concept and strategies of “conventional†economic diplomacy that have increasingly gained importance in contemporary foreign policy, including Indonesia. In the meantime, the digital economy had been significantly growing as a potential driver of growth and an inclusive economy which becomes central in the Indonesian development agenda. A new or innovation-based economy such as the digital economy did not only become one of the priorities in national policies but also emerge to be an essential variable to the foreign policy of Indonesia amid diplomatic deficit…

The development of auto industry needs a series of related policies and conditions, including market, technology, management, basic infrastructure, etc. Several Southeast Asian countries are hoping to develop their auto industries in order to lead the development of other industries in their countries. Having the largest auto market in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is supposed to have more favorable conditions than Thailand and Malaysia on the development of auto industry. Unlike Malaysiaâs auto industry that has its own national brand, Indonesia does not have a national auto brand, nor like Thailand as the largest auto exporting country in Southeast Asia, a Japanese scholar even contends t…

Indonesia had been the largest LNG exporter for almost three decades since 1977 to 2005. During 1970s and 1980s, Indonesia’s energy industry boosted its economic growth that valued 80% of the country’s annual exports and 70% of its annual revenues. Meanwhile, Indonesia presents an exceptional case since it decreases its LNG export while it has been developing its largest LNG plant in Tangguh due to prioritizing domestic energy demand. But, since Indonesia eagerly links its economy to China, it uses LNG export as a medium to strengthen Indonesia-China strategic partnership. Tangguh LNG export to China, although it is not Indonesia’s largest LNG export contract, reflects a…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara latihan senam poco-poco dengan latihan senam ayo bersatu terhadap peningkatan kemampuan Volume Oxygen Maximum (VO2max). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen murni (true experiment), sedangkan desain penelitian yang digunakan yakni pre test-post test control group design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswi SMK Negeri Sukoharjo sebanyak 45 siswa. Teknik pengambilan data untuk test VO2max ini menggunakan Test Multi Tahap (Bleep Test). Teknik analisis data menggunakan Analisis Varians (ANAVA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari latihan Senam Poco-poco 12,46 >…

Pendidikan karakter adalah sebuah keharusan dalam rangka menyeimbangkan dua sisi manusia yang harus ditonjolkan kualitasnya, yakni otak dan hati. Keberhasilan suatu lembaga pendidikan harus memperhatikan pendidikan karakter ini kalau tidak ingin hasil didikannya menjadi bumerang untuk mereka sendiri. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penyebab kegagalan suatu pendidikan adalah karena proses pendidikan hanya memprioritaskan sisi intelektual (otak) saja, tanpa memperhatikan sisi moral (hati) anak didik. Dalam rangka menyeimbangkan proses pendidikan, agar menghasilkan hasil didikan yang berkualitas dalam dua sisinya (otak dan hati), tulisan ini bermaksud mengajukan sebuah gagasan tentang pener…

Writing is language skills that are sustainable so that learning was necessary to continuously since attending elementary school . It is based on the idea that writing is the basis of a person's ability to learn in preparation , writing is the most difficult skill in speaking levels .Learning to write is often taken for granted by most students , because they consider it boring and they sometimes find it difficult to organize ideas or ideas into written form . In this study, I tried to apply the methods of learning Mind Mapping as an effort to improve essay writing skills fifth grade students of SDN 1 Rangkasbitung Timur Attack in the number of students 29 . The results of each cycle is aver…

JOKO SUUSTYO. 1986. Analysis of organic acid and amino acid in natto fermented by 7 strains of Bacillus natto. Berita Biologi 3 (6): 277 - 282. The ability of seven strains of Bacillus natto produced a number of organic and amino acid components in natto were investigated. Raw, submerced and autoclaved soybeans for natto contained 1.15% 0.46% and 0.77% in organic acid and 0.19%, 0.30% and 0.30% in amino acid, while after fermentation those range were 0.36 - 0.90% in organic acid and 2.86 -6.08% in amino add. During submercing, autoclaving and fermenting, citric acid component decreased down very sharply to about one hundredth of starting level. While acetic,iso-butiric and iso-valeric compon…

Flavonoid-glycoside was synthesized enzymatically using CGT-ase (EC. of indigenous Bacillus licheniformis in a phosphate buffer pH 6.0 at 45°C for 24 h, through transglycosylation reaction in the present of flavonoid those were extracted from rhizomes such as ginger, flngerroot, turmeric, white turmeric and white curcuma as natural acceptors, and commercial rice,cassava, corn and wheat flour as substrates.The result showed that CGT-ase of B. licheniformis transferred a glycosyl moiety in a bilayer enzymatic reaction system of n-hexanol and phosphate buffer yielding glycosides as transfer products in the present of wheat flour as substrate and white curcuma extract as its acceptor.A…

This study aimed to assess fish diversity and its related aspects in the Sawal Mountain Region, the watershed Citanduy in Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia. The study was conducted by grouping into four zones based on forest condition and the order of the river. The fisheswere sampled by using elektrofishing. This study recorded 12 species which Barbodes binotatus is the most abundant and widely local distributed, i.e. 20.09 individu/station and occupied 78.60 % of the area. Based on species status, as much as 75% species have wide geography distribution (common species) and the rest was introduced species. As much as 50% (6 species) have the potency as consumption fish, 25% (3 species) as orname…

Kelayakan budidaya cendana (Santalum album L) di Propinsi NTT dibahas dari sisi sumberdaya air. Propinsi NTT merupakan daerah dengan iklim kering dibandingkan dengan propinsi lain di Indonesia. Di Propinsi ini terdapat daerah-daerah yang memiliki neraca air tahunan defisit. Daerah-daerah dengan potensi sumberdaya air yang memadai sangat terbatas. Potensi air tanah relatif sedikit dan mahal sehingga eksploitasinya hanya akan menguntungkan apabila komoditi yang diusahakan memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Cendana merupakan salah satu alternatif karena (1) merupakan tumbuhan endemik daerah NTT, (2) toleran terhadap iklim kering dan (3) memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Cendana laik dikembangkan sec…

A number of microbes which could grow on acetonitrile were isolated and selected from industrial effluents and were studied to characterise the isolate which has the best degrading capability.Cultures were grown on mineral medium with microelements and acetonitrile was added as sole source of energy, carbon, and nitrogen.Isolate D5, identified as Corynebacteriumsp.,was able to grow on high concentration acetonitrile (up to 5 % v/v) and exhibited the highest specific growth rate (\j).When Corynebacterium D5 grew on 2 % (v/v) acetonitrile,the doubling time was 6 hours 40 minutes,the specific growth rate (p) was 0.1 h and the acetonitrile decreasing rate was 3.99 mM/h.Increasing of acetonitrile…

Spent Mushroom Substrate (SMS) is a composted growing medium that results from the mushroom growing process. The utilization of SMS for biofertilizer or soil conditioner would be an important point in green agriculture. The study revealed the lignocellulolytic activity from 20 isolates of Fungi and 13 isolates of Bacteria which were isolated from sawdust as a spent mushroom substrate of Pleurotus ostreatus. The selected microorganism then would be used as inocullant for the production of biofertilizer using SMS as a main material. The lignocellulolytic system consist of laccase, cellulase and xylanase activity was analyzed. The results shown that among 20 isolates of Fungi, the highest activ…

The aims and objectives of this study are to determine the effect of ozonization on the characteristics of cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae var.botrytis) during cold storage.The benefit of this research is to prolong the storage period of cabbage flowers with characteristic and quality be appropriate to consumers. The design used is the Randomized Block Design with 6 replications. The treatments consisted of 0 ppm ozone concentration bear leaves, 1.5 ppm ozone concentration without leaves, 1.5 ppm ozone concentration bearing leaves, and 1.5 ppm ozone concentrations without leaves.The parameters observed were weight loss, hardness, moisture content, vitamin C, heavy metals Hg and Ag,number of …

MULYADI. 1989. Fluctuation and composition of phytoplankton community on Dua island mangrove waters (Ban ten bay) 1985 - 1986. Berita Biologi 3(9): 445 - 449.The study was carried out form July 1985 to June 1986 and a number of 29 phytoplankton genera were recorded.Spatial distribution of each genus within the mangrove waters due to the difference of habitat tolerance.Skeletonema, Thalassiosira and Nitzschia are the genera which have wide distribution (22.5%, 17.2% and 15.2% of distribution percentage respectively).The distributions of those genera are not always followed by high abundance. The number and abundance of phytoplankton were higher during the dry season than the rainy season.The …

An experiment was carried out to find out the optimum nitrogen and phosphorous concentration for growth and phycocyanin production in Spirulina fusiformis culture. The cultures were grown in Zarouk medium at various nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations, which were 0.0 mM N, 7.5 mM N, 15.0 mM N, 22.5 mM N, and 30.0 mM N, as well as 0 raM P, 90 mM P, 180 mM P, 270 mM P, and 360 mM P, with four replications each. The result shows that optimal growth of the alga, which is expressed in terms of the biomass yield, was achieved at nitrogen and phosphorous concentration of 7.5 mM and 270 mM, respectively.At the same time, the highest phycocyanin content was obtained at nitrogen concentration of 2…

Terminalia is the second largest genus of Combretaceae family, consists of 200 species distributed in the tropics and subtropics. Many species of Terminalia are well kown in traditional medicine in several countries of Africa and Asia. In this study, bark extracts of four species of Terminalia (T. catappa, T. citrina, T. bellirica and T. macadamii) were evaluated for their in-vitro anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Determination of the anti-inflammatory activity was carried out using red blood cell membrane stabilization assay and the antioxidant activity was carried out using DPPH free radical scavenging and ferric reducing power assay. Estimation of total phenolic content wa…

All human beings seek certain identities in order to understand their existence and position in society, the groups to which they belong, and the unique characteristics they have. This paper examines how, in Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte examines socially constructed institutionalism in Victorian England. This paper also explores how the protagonist, Jane Eyre, oppressed due to her social class and gender, struggles to live with equality, dignity, and freedom, and finally reaches independence and self-fulfillment. Jane successfully completes the stages of identity development, and, after acquiring a sense of competence, achieves happiness and intimacy in an equal partnership with her true love…