The meaning of technology transfer is so wide but mostly involving some form of technology-related exchange. However, in this particular paper, technology transfer is consider as a concept to examine the process of disseminating knowledge and skills that a person owned to another person in order to generate higher productivity with new approach of producing a particular product or service. Although, many researchers have explored the evolution of technology transfer, nonetheless some drivers are yet to be explored in a Malaysian manufacturing industry. This study, therefore attempts to determine the relationship between absorptive capacity, transfer capacity, communication motivation and learning intent and technology transfer performance. A survey methodology was used in a Japanese multinational company based in Klang Valley, Malaysia. A total of 117 questionnaires were received. Results show that absorptive capacity is the most significant to influence technology transfer performance. Key words: Technology transfer, absorptive capacity, Malaysia.
Journal Name | The South East Asian Journal of Management |
Published by | Universitas Indonesia |
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Location | Kota depok, Jawa barat INDONESIA |
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ISSN | ISSN : 19781989, EISSN : 23556641, DOI : 10.21002, |
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Meta Desc | The South East Asian Journal of Management Aim and Scope The South East Asian Journal of Management (SEAM) aims to present the latest thinking and research that test, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to management practice. Contents of the Journal will be of interest to management teachers, student and researchers as well as to practicing managers and material will be analytical rather than descriptive. Whilst a major focus of the journal is on the Asian countries and management issues connected with it, increasingly, global concerns and conceptual topics will be covered. The Journal does not take a narrow view of business and management and will publish in other disciplines if they contribute significantly to problems considered by managers and researchers. To be published in SEAM, a manuscript must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the management field. Thus, preference is given to submissions that test, extend, or build strong theoretical frameworks while empirically examining issues with high importance for management theory and practice. |
Penulis | Mughaneswari ap Sahadevan , Mohd Haniff Jedin |
Subtitle Article | The South East Asian Journal of Management Vol 8, No 1 (2014): April 2014 |
Publisher Article | Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia |
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